Part-time Paramedication

Sunday, February 18, 2007

too much work makes Robyn something something

Well shoot, I got coerced into this new Blogger thing too... really, I had no choice and who is Blogger to take that choice away from me?... okay, I'm over it now.

So, we're moving on March the 1st! We found a beautiful 2 bedroom suite in a quadraplex in central Londsdale. It is a really nice area, will get far less snow in the winter, and it is a much shorter scoot for Ryan to work. It's a little more expensive but it has everything I want, including dishwasher and full bath tub, and I figure I deserve it since I worked 72 hours this week.

Its been a good week, here are some things I did:
-visited with Mike who is visiting from Calgary
-worked 72 hours as previously mentioned
-almost got attacked by killer raccoons.... 3 very large killer raccoons
-helped my mom plan her 'pooh' room
-looked for bridesmaid dresses with Rachel with little to no results
-got in a yelling match with a nurse AND
-discovered this hilarious video:


  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger raych said…

    'i got a couple a loonies'
    'i got a toonie'
    'oh, cool'
    ah hahahaha
    ahaha ha
    ha ha


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