Part-time Paramedication

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

In which I paint a table...

In an effort to make my home look less 'college' and more 'real-life-person-with-a-career' I decided to paint the furniture.

My first venture was the coffee table.

This is the coffee table before paint:

And the coffee table a la primer:

The finished product!

This project took about 3 days... now all I have left is the desk, movie shelf x2, microwave stand, printer table, bedside tables x2, and dresser.
Also, I met scary drug man. His name is Mike and he has a sweet mullet and fake tan.


  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger raych said…

    Mmmmm, coffee table a la primer. Joel and I had that for dinner last night.


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