Part-time Paramedication

Thursday, August 31, 2006

An update

So, here are some picture insights into my life... who doesn't love a good picture? Don't lie, I know you all do. The pictures are out of order but I really dont want to shuffle them around right now, so think of it as a challenge.... what order did I really want to put the pictures in? How fun. I am jealous of you for having the fun that I will never myself experience.

This is the shack in Madeira Park. Or, as Rachel so eloquently called it, the sin shack. While I do know for a fact that this poor innocent one room shack has been violated many a time by lonely paramedics (who were dating at the time so slag off, don't be so quick to judge), it has not been used as such lately.
Outside the shack is 'the other' Ryan (one I went to school with) with a reluctant looking Code 3 the Station Kitty.
This is Grandpa's new puppy, Ruff. He is a fan of biting.

This is the coveted ambulance mobile. Made entirely of cardboard cut-out ambulances, some sticks, strings and 2 pennies it is a state of the art mobile, perfect for decorating any lonely part timer paramedic shack.

AJ and Lindsay got married!!!!!! Our little AJ all growed up...

Code 3 the Station Kitty thinks he owns the place.

My paramedic tip for the day:

DO NOT take 20 15mg tablets of Robitussin in a time frame of 4 hours. You WILL feel 'funny' and dissassociated with your body. You WILL NOT feel any kind of good or pleasant high nor will you die. You WILL feel tingly. That is all.


  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger raych said…

    this is not entirely discouraging advice. i happen to be partial to feeling disassociated with my body, it makes it easier to make cruel jokes about it. i also think that code 3 the station kitty should become an integral part of the ambulance mobile.

  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Robyn Bishop said…

    ACK! Rachel, come now! Think how much that would smell up the shack.
    Maybe if it was an outside mobile...

  • At 3:28 AM, Blogger Jaclyn_Rose said…

    Hey - I'm Coopers sister and was just following links...that Lindsay that got married, was her pervious name Fornier???

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Robyn Bishop said…

    Yes, her name was Fornier :) You probably know her from Abbotsford? That is where she grew up.

  • At 4:24 PM, Blogger Jaclyn_Rose said…

    I do know her! I worked with her at McDonalds, but I didn't know she was getting married...that's pretty cool!


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