Part-time Paramedication

Friday, July 27, 2007

A giant peanut.... and also life update


One day Ryan and I were out to visit some friends. When we pulled away from our house what did we see but a gigantic Mr. Peanut in the park. I made Ryan turn back around to get the camera and we took some pictures. These were not photo shopped... this is actual footage of a giant Mr. Peanut shaped hot air balloon in the park.
And if that's not enough for you, here he is relative to other real-sized people:

Other important things that have happened include:

- I passed all prerequisites for ambulance dispatching. This is kind of exciting... I'll find out if I am in the September training class in the next 2-4 weeks.

- We bought Chandler a wheel so he could get some exercise because we dont want him to be a super fat hedgehog and he used it for the first time today! Unfortunatly I was at work at the time so I didn't get to see it but Ryan assures me it was super cute. I kinda feel like I missed my child's first steps although I'm not 100% sure how that would feel since I've never had a child nevermind one that is old enough to take steps.

- I finished reading Harry Potter and it was freaking awesome. I read it in 2 days.

- I made the hugest pot of most delicious chilli ever. I mean ever. I am so domestic. In fact, I think I will go eat some of said chilli now. mmmmmmmmmmmm


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