Part-time Paramedication

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Earth day?

Anyone remember Captain Planet and the planeteers? One morning I was awake at 5am-ish or so preparing to go to work. I turned on the tv although I don't know why... what was I expecting to be on at 5am? Needless to say, I was pleasently surprised when I discovered that re-runs of Captain Planet are indeed on at this time in the morning.

With all the fuss about global warming I think this show should be played at a more prime time so as to educate children and adults alike about the ways we can have a positive effect on the environment. Plus, Captain Planet has a dreamy mullet.


  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Rebekah said…

    I always thought the blonde one and the redheaded guy would hook up. I guess there's no time for spanky when the environment is on the line.


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