Part-time Paramedication

Friday, June 29, 2007

The newest Bishop

Yes, the Bishop family is growing by one.

Now, now, before you go facebook all your friends about who's having babies, see below:

This is Chandler. Could he be any more of a hedgehog? He is the newest member of our family and we got him just today! He survived the long, windy ride home from Keremeos and now sits in his Rubbermaid bin on the floor of our living room. Ryan is already calling him Chanandaler Bong. So far, besides being rediculously cute, he eats, sleeps and poops. Man, he poops a lot. I read a great deal of literature about hedgehogs before buying this one, but nowhere did it mention how much poo this little thing can make. I wish I could farm it and sell it as fertilizer. I bet it would make house plants grow like a charm.

This is the only picture I got of him before my camera died. And, of course, at the very moment that I am motivated not only to blog, but to take pictures, load them to the computer and attatch them to said blog, I cannot find any more AA batteries OR my battery charger. Insert curse word here.

Wait till you see his little face.... and his little paws... and his little eyes... seriously, I can't get over how cute he is.

So, again, for the record: not pregnant.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Earth day?

Anyone remember Captain Planet and the planeteers? One morning I was awake at 5am-ish or so preparing to go to work. I turned on the tv although I don't know why... what was I expecting to be on at 5am? Needless to say, I was pleasently surprised when I discovered that re-runs of Captain Planet are indeed on at this time in the morning.

With all the fuss about global warming I think this show should be played at a more prime time so as to educate children and adults alike about the ways we can have a positive effect on the environment. Plus, Captain Planet has a dreamy mullet.