Part-time Paramedication

Thursday, May 24, 2007

oh fine.... 7

Well, since I don't want seven years bad luck, people to think I am not hot, my next kiss to be a flop or my dog to die I suppose I will have to tell you (those who still read my blog, which I am sure is just you Raych) 7 random facts about myself. (see Rachel's post for context)

1. I am afraid of power tools. They're so...powerful. They could cut off your hand!!!! Or worse, your whole arm!!!! Seriously though, I am petrified of power tools. I will never be a handy-woman.

2. I am really, really good at nintendo. I could beat any girl and most guys at most games (any game but 1st person shooters, which make me dizzy). I attribute this to growing up with a brother and being super competitive with him. He can beat me. Most of the time...

3. Pork makes me gag.

4. It takes me a minimum of 30 minutes to blow dry and straighten my hair after I shower. Total shower to ready-to-leave-the-house time is at least 45 minutes. And I don't consider myself high maintenance.

5. I donate blood on a regular basis. Look at me and my bad self, contributing to my community.

6. I sleep in the recovery position.

7. I like tofu. Really... it's good when it's made right.

Good thing the list is only 7 long. Go now ye bloggers and create lists of yer own or else ye may have bad things happen to ye and so forth.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

In which I paint a table...

In an effort to make my home look less 'college' and more 'real-life-person-with-a-career' I decided to paint the furniture.

My first venture was the coffee table.

This is the coffee table before paint:

And the coffee table a la primer:

The finished product!

This project took about 3 days... now all I have left is the desk, movie shelf x2, microwave stand, printer table, bedside tables x2, and dresser.
Also, I met scary drug man. His name is Mike and he has a sweet mullet and fake tan.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Drugs anyone?

I think there's a grow op in the garage behing the house.

One day I pulled up to the house and an Italian or East Indian male stepped out of a green ElDorado looking all shifty. He walked up the stairs to my house, went through the gate, walked around the side of the house and went to the garage door. The whole time he kept looking back at me all shifty like... I cleverly pretended to fiddle with something in my car, la dee da, I don't notice you big Italian/East Indian shifty man.

He opened the door of the garage, went in and closed the door...

I went into the house but my curiosity got the better of me and I had to go back out to see if he was still lurking around. So, oops, I forgot something in my car and went back to get it. THEN, I see him drive down the alley behind the house in a red convertible....

Wierd? Yes...

When I asked my landlord if I could store stuff in the garage, he got all shifty too and said no because he was renting it out to a friend who was storing stuff there. I think 'no' means 'dont you dare go near that garage' and 'renting it to a friend' means growing pot or making meth... I think I best get some renter's insurance really really fast...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

1 whole year!

Ryan and I went away to a beautiful bed and breakfast on the Sunshine Coast this weekend to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. The bed was comfortable, the breakfasts were delicious, the view of the inlet was amazing, the hot tub was warm and the roses smelled oh so pretty. Also, we went to an Orthodox monestary and got a special anniversary blessing from the monks there.

This is the quaint little monestary... only 3 monks are there! They make their own candles, grow their own veggies, grow their own grapes to make their own wine, write their own icons and bake their own break in a wood burning stove!!!

This is the view from atop the hill at the monestary. It's a short 5 minute hike and it is just breathtaking. The orthodox cross has three beams... the top is the sign that read 'King of the Jews,' the middle is the regular part of any standard cross, and the bottom beam is where the feet would rest.

I can't believe it's already been one year!! It was better than I could have imagined, we had a great 1st year...

I hope that those I know getting married this year have as good a year as we did (thinking of you Rachel & Joel, and also Jacki, and also Ryan's cousin)