Part-time Paramedication

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Not quite literary genious...

So, I have noticed that there is a growing trend in literary genious sweeping the blogging world. As I have been 'blog hopping' I have seen an increase in deeper thoughts, more pressing issues and more articulate text. The pressure for us under-educated-with-only-a-diploma-and/or-certificate folk is immense. I, for one, am feeling crushed with the pressure to perform and create a more articulate blog than the last.

But, I don't think I'm going to do that.

Instead, here is a picture of my new blender!

And my rubber plant, which is thriving having grown 2 new leaves! It's the first house plant that I have had that I haven't killed!

Perhaps one day I'll venture in to the more literary relm and attempt to create something more meaningful and interesting. But give me a break, I just got off working 4 night shifts in a row and I like my new blender and rubber plant. So, now you are forced to look at them too. And although I can't make you like them, look at them in all their majesty.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I hate traffic

Yesterday I was working a night shift in Chilliwack. It started at 7. I left North Vancouver at 5. It was bumper to bumper traffic from the Lions Gate Bridge to 232nd.....
I pulled into the station at 6:59.
Will my traffic woes ever end?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The worlds worst map

Yesterday was a long day.
I had to work in Abbotsford, which is a long ways away.
I had to work at 6 am, which is very early.
So, I worked for 11 hours and 20 minutes and braved the long drive home (which, coming west on the number one, was backed up to 176th). It took me 1 hour and 1 half.
Ryan had a staff meeting and afterwards we were all going to go for drinks. Hooray, I thought, drinks will be fun!
So, he comes home to pick me up (at 10ish) and we head out to have a great adventure!
Do you know where we're going? I ask
Yes, of course. I even got a map!
Oh good, now we wont get lost!
But we did, we did get lost. Horribly lost because the directions were horrible and here is the picture of the map:

I think the scribbles are supposed to say '2nd nar' which I'm assuming means the second narrows bridge.
When, after we drove around for about an hour, we couldn't find the stupid place so we retreated home defeated and angry with not a drop of alcohol in our blood.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mundane Life

Okay, Rachel, here is another post just for you.
Really, the reason I haven't posted in a while is, well, nothing much is exciting... I am not in Thailand, or Hawaii, or maintaining my own newly bought house, or preparing for camp.
Ummm.... so here is a list of mundane things going on right now:

1. My mom is redoing the floors in her house and she painted her bedroom purple and black. We had steak last weekend with my parents. Yummy.

2. I worked the stat holiday and got double pay, hooray for the trambulance (that is a clever combination of the words 'transfer' and 'ambulance' for those of you who don't know. And they say paramedics aren't clever. Well, we are. So slag off.).

3. I am once again in Madeira Park, but THIS time, with a stove! Delicious stove... However when I got here at4 the landlords were painting the shack. They said they would be done soon. Fine I said, and came to hang out in the station. 4 hours and a hungry grumbly tummy later, they were gone. All I wanted to do was use that new stove. Also, my partner just recently bought a tub of ice cream and said 'help yourself.' I don't know if he realizes the dangers of this invitation.

4. Ryan and I have been married 2 months today! And also Ryan hates blogs. Any mention of blogs or blogging and he gets very angry. Like, genuinely angry. I think it's hilarious how he is mad at something that he can't take his anger out on and so he just fumes in his own rage for a while. But I dare not laugh and it is so hard.

5. Disclaimer: Nate Ramer is also one of the coolest guys I know. (Happy Nate?)

In the not so mundane. we airlifted two cyclists off the sunshine coast highway yesterday who got hit by a car. There is nothing quite like seeing a helicopter land and take off on the freeway and know that you are making a difference by helping these two boys (who will be fine by the way, but have a long road to recovery). I love this job.

I think I better go check on that ice cream.