Part-time Paramedication

Sunday, February 18, 2007

too much work makes Robyn something something

Well shoot, I got coerced into this new Blogger thing too... really, I had no choice and who is Blogger to take that choice away from me?... okay, I'm over it now.

So, we're moving on March the 1st! We found a beautiful 2 bedroom suite in a quadraplex in central Londsdale. It is a really nice area, will get far less snow in the winter, and it is a much shorter scoot for Ryan to work. It's a little more expensive but it has everything I want, including dishwasher and full bath tub, and I figure I deserve it since I worked 72 hours this week.

Its been a good week, here are some things I did:
-visited with Mike who is visiting from Calgary
-worked 72 hours as previously mentioned
-almost got attacked by killer raccoons.... 3 very large killer raccoons
-helped my mom plan her 'pooh' room
-looked for bridesmaid dresses with Rachel with little to no results
-got in a yelling match with a nurse AND
-discovered this hilarious video:

Saturday, February 03, 2007

apartment hunting

So we just recieved word that we will have to be moving...

Our landlords upstairs have a small terror named Caelen who needs a rec room for himself and his new little brother or sister and as such, we have been given the boot and need to be out by June the first. This is both good and bad. For one thing, we KNOW that Caelen needs a rec room for himself because we hear how loud and stompy he can be... we will be moving into a place with no baby upstairs. I would love to have a full bathtub and a dishwasher and am now willing and able to pay more per month in order to have these things.
However, as I have been looking around at different places I'm finding lots of things that I will miss about this place that I have taken for granted. These things include lots of storage space, my huge amount of counter space, our private deck, and our gas fireplace... hopefully we will be able to find a place that we like in time for the June 1st move...

In other news today I went and saw a family friend perform in her high school cheerleading competition. It's something I thought I would never do, but it was pretty neat watching them flip and yell and smile and flip again and yell really loud. Ok, really, it was more interesting than I though and her team won first place in their division!