Part-time Paramedication

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ryan hates bunnies

Despite what I had previously believed about Ryan loving all animals, and most notably bunnies, he does not. You see, I really want to get a pet and when the subject came up the conversation went something as such:

(please note that we have mutually agreed that although we both desperately want a dog, neither of us has the time to devote to it and thusly, it would be unfair to the dog if we were to own one)

Robyn: "I think we should get a pet"
Ryan: "Yes, I like pets."
Robyn: "Can we get a bunny?"
Ryan: "No, they smell"
Robyn: "How about a guinie pig"
Ryan: "No, they smell"
Robyn: "A hamster?"
Ryan: "No, they smell too. In fact, no rodents because they all smell and you will never clean their cage" (this coming from a man who has has not cleaned the bathroom once in the one year that we have been married)
Robyn: "How about a turtle?"
Ryan: "No, they smell"
Robyn: "How about a bird!?!"
Ryan: "No, they're too loud. And they smell."
Robyn: "Well, you smell too and I've had to put up with it"
Ryan: "You smell."

And that was about as far as we got. So apparantly all animals either smell (rodents and amphibians), are too loud (birds), I am allergic to (cats), or require too much time (dogs). Will I ever have a pet to love?

Don't worry friends, the story does not end badly. We finally agreed that a hedgehog may be an appropriate pet because a) their really cute, b) apparantly Ryan thinks they wont smell so bad, and c) how unique of us, cuz who has a hedgehog!?

I will be taking suggestions for the name of said hedgehog. Please note that 'Sonic' will not be accepted... be creative people, think outside the box!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

lol, j/k, omg!

Yesterday was Rachel's wedding. It was fantastic.

On the way home I saw a girl driving her car on Highway one whilst fully engrossed in text messaging on her cell phone. This should be illegal. I watched her for about a minute and I dont think she looked at the road once. Not one time!!! Now, I have just recently jumped on this whole 'text messaging' band wagon (yes, friends, call me old school) and have realized it's advantages. But seriously... most people can't even talk and drive never mind text and drive. I should start a campaign! I should wage war! No texting and driving!!!!

Also, I thought this picture was funny:

So folks, try not to text and drive. If you get in a crash... well, that would be to bad.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Always a bride...

This weekend I am the matron of honour in my good friend Rachel's wedding. This marks the first time that I will be a bridesmaid... all other weddings I have been in, I was the bride. I am excited about the event and the festivities and the roast beef and the wedding pie. However, I am less than excited about the dress. Don't worry Rachel, I do not hate you or your choice of pattern or your choice of fabric. The pattern really is lovely and the fabric is beautiful, however I do not look good in this dress. Mostly I think I look like I have a big bow for a chest and then a big bell for a skirt. Really, I am all chest in this dress (and NOT in a good way). Also, I look approximately 8 months pregnant from the side... So, if you are attending this wedding, do not look at me from the side. I don't really want any rumours started about a small Bambino of my own. Wait a minute... maybe Rachel knew I would look horrible in the dress... she's doing all this to make herself look better! Well, I'm on to your plan there bridezilla! This isn't the last you've heard from 8-month-bow-chest-bell lady! You best be watching your back on Saturday...

Also, I may have made a stupid decision to work a night shift tonight... Thursday night work... Friday morning hair appointment... Friday afternoon help set up church... Friday night sleep over at Rachel's... Saturday day is wedding.... this leaves little to no time to sleep....oh crap.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I haven't forgotten!

Ok, I haven't forgotten about the blog world. To be honest, I was in kind of a funk because nothing too exciting happens to me and I feel that I am neither clever nor eloquent enough to write about random thoughts in any kind of interesting way.

Anyways, this is day one of trying to blog more often... we'll see if there's really even a point or not. Whatever. Here goes.

Rachel is getting married in exac-e-tally one week! I am trying to slyly downplay how much of a panic I am in because my dress is still in the form of a giant piece of fabric... yes, not made yet. Hopefully my mother is as competent a sewer as I think that she is. When my brother and I were just wee, she sewed our Halloween costumes in the form of a ketchup and mustard bottle. One that creative should be nothing but an expert sewer, right? right?

I am once again in Madeira Park... mayhaps the boredom setting in is the reason for the post. We got a 'new' refurbished ambulance. They did a really crappy job of refurbishing it too... there are so many things wrong with the thing. Par example: you can't open the side door from inside the ambulance. So, hopefully there won't be some crazy guy trying to attack me and alas I wont be able to get out.

Well, until next time, which is hopefully not a month from today... keep fit and have fun

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